Seasons Greetings – December 21, 2014


FOGG wishes all of you a VERY HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON and a HAPPY and HEALTHY NEW YEAR – 2015!!

We want to thank all of you for your support over these past eleven years that we have been working to preserve our community’s open recreational center, The Bay Club at The Gateway (formerly the Golden Gateway Tennis & Swim Club).

Our volunteers, attorneys, community organizations, the Bay Club management, all give their time and effort in our united cause.

Each one of you, who attended public hearings, wrote letters, made a financial donation, supported summer Kids Camps Scholarships, and so much more, gives FOGG the desire to continue. We will, with your help, preserve our community’s open recreational center.

Your efforts are deeply appreciated.

We look forward to your continuing interest and support and wish you a peaceful and Happy Holiday Season.