FOGG Alert – September 25, 2011

The Bay Citizen has posted a story on their website about the proposed 8 Washington Street development.  It will also appear in the Sunday, September 25, 2011 issue of the New York Times.

The article can be read at this link:  Bay Citizen – 8 Washington Development

FOGG feels it short changes the importance of how the proposed development would impact the thousands of families, youngsters and seniors who use the City’s only outdoor swim and tennis recreational facility in San Francisco.

The article places too much emphasis on the politics and power brokers at City Hall without considering our neighbors and friends in the community.

FOGG urges everyone to read the article and will look forward to your comments.

FOGG Alert – September 22, 2011

This is an update on the lawsuit filed by FOGG and our twelve coalition partners that was heard Wednesday, September 21, 2011 by Superior Court Judge Harold E. Kahn.

We thank all those FOGG supporters who attended this hearing.

Susan Brandt-Hawley, our Coalition attorney, did a brilliant job in presenting the Coalition’s Brief.  Judge Kahn, who had made a prior temporary decision before today’s hearing that would have denied our Coalition’s petition listened intently, and asked great questions.

Judge Kahn will now entertain a further Brief by Ms. Brandt-Hawley.  This brief will be heard on Wednesday, October 5, 2011.

We will provide further details as they become available, and we remain optimistic as to the outcome.

As always, FOGG will continue the effort to preserve our Community’s outdoor recreational facility.  We thank you for your continuing support.

FOGG Alert – September 20, 2011

There has been a change of time for the Wednesday September 21, 2011 lawsuit hearing filed by FOGG and our twelve coalition partners.

The scheduled time had been 10:00am.

The new time is 1:30pm.

For those planning to attend, please note the time change.

The hearing will still be at the California Superior Court, 400 McAllister Street (at Polk), Courtroom 220, 2nd floor on the City Hall side, San Francisco, CA 94102.

We look forward to seeing you there.