FOGG Open Letter-November 22, 2016


FOGG wishes every one of our supporters a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

FOGG continued our mission in 2016 to preserve our community’s outdoor recreational center, Bay Club – The Gateway.  This facility provides invaluable recreational and social services for so many families, their children, seniors, retirees, and the business community.

One of the brightest successes was FOGG’s 6th year of the Summer Kids Camps Scholarship Program.

On October 9, 2016 FOGG and the Bay Club co-hosted a THANK YOU Luncheon to recognize the many donors who provided the financial support for boys and girls from low income areas to attend the Summer Kids Camps Program.

Over 60 attended the luncheon, including the donors, staff and volunteers of Kids Camps, Bay Club management, and a number of the kids who have benefited from the Program.

One of the many highlights was our District Three Supervisor Aaron Peskin’s email of support for the Program to the donors.

You may read it at the Peskin Kids Camp Email link at this website.

With the 50% – 50% sharing by FOGG and the Bay Club we have raised over $100,000 in donations, and provided almost 200 Camp sessions for the youngsters!!

We look forward to our 7th year in 2017, and we are sure many of you will want to contribute to its success with your tax deductible donation.

Please consider making a tax deductible donation by sending a check to FOGG/PDF, to Friends of Golden Gateway, P.O. Box 2294, San Francisco, CA. 94126.  On the memo line write 2017 Scholarship Fund.

Should you prefer to donate on line, you can do so at this website by clicking on the ‘Donate to 2017 Kids Camp’ yellow donation button.

FOGG also stays alert for any possibility of another developer seeking to build on the Club site.  As of this moment nothing has been heard that could be substantive, but we will continue to keep a close watch on any possible developments.

FOGG is pleased to note that Elaine Forbes has been selected as the permanent Executive Director of the SF Port, after serving as “Interim Director.”

We had a number of meetings with Elaine and find her to be very open to our proposals for developing SWL351, on the Embarcadero next to our Club.

You will recall we have proposed a low rise Activity Center that would include Bicycle, Aquatic, Tennis and Fitness services; plus an indoor/outdoor café. The Fitness Center would be open to the public and run by the Bay Club.

FOGG has met together with Club management and Elaine on this proposal.  We are awaiting certain legal issues, not related to FOGG, that are still pending.

The Activity Center will be a welcome neighbor to the proposed Teatro ZinZanni Entertainment and Hotel complex on the corner of Broadway and the Embarcadero.

We also understand the lawsuit by the State Lands Commission and our Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, against the City and Proposition B, giving SF citizens the right to review proposed extended height limits on waterfront property, continues to be under review.  San Francisco voters approved Proposition B in the June 3, 2014 election.

This lawsuit is still on track to go to court on February 19, 2017.  If there are any changes we will promptly advise you.

As our FOGG supporters recall, both Lieutenant Governor Newsom and current Mayor Ed Lee were strong supporters of the failed 8 Washington Street high-rise luxury condominium development defeated by San Francisco voters in the November 5, 2013 election.  The existing Club would have been demolished. 

FOGG wishes all of you a happy and warm Thanksgiving Holiday.  We thank you for your continuing support since August, 2003.